Monday, August 13, 2012

Chapter Two Is Up...

Chapter Two of Salome's story is now available, be sure to check it out! Busy with work all this week, but hope to keep up the pace of the story, would be a crying shame to lose momentum now. I'm working on Chapter Ten now, as noted in the previous post, we are still at the Presentation, and Salome has made a new female friend. This is good, because female friends are hard to come by, especially for ladies as focused as Salome is. She knows what she wants and does not want to be distracted by petty jealousies. Plus, this new friend of hers has her own story to tell...
Could this possibly be the start of a series? Well, at least two stories could be derived from this story so far. I know we haven't met Salome's missing brother yet, and won't for some time, but there is a reason she's so devoted to him and won't give him up for lost. Because he's awesome... And who is this mysterious E.J. Lindsay that Salome goes to for her detective work? Hmmm- does bear some thinking, but at the moment I just need to finish this story before I get too far ahead of myself!
So enjoy the new excerpt, and I'll be back soon!

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