Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I am suffering a serious lack of motivation lately... Not so much about my writing, because I'm still excited about it and have been jotting things down whenever I'm sitting still... just IN GENERAL...

This is really bad though, because it is affecting my school... I haven't finished last week's assignments which were due on Sunday night, and I haven't started this week's yet either... I am planning on saying my internet went out and I couldn't get to the library or something as my excuse, though I'm still gonna lose points... But I am taking a frigging Business Law course and it is boring me retarded because I don't understand half of it, I need Business Law for Dummies...

My house... Because gosh darn it! WHY is it always my responsibility??? No one else does laundry, no one else does dishes, no one else picks up trash, no one else vacuums or changes sheets... Is it because I live in a houseful of boys or just because they are lazy? My hubby pulls the whole "I pay the bills and you don't make as much money as I do" bulldooky, and he's just such a MAN about it, there's no arguing with him... Though I was blissfully delighted when he opted to stay home with the sick baby the other day and HE hadn't accomplished anything either because of it! I was like, see... HAHAHA, I do PLENTY, and I don't get PAID for any of it!

I am highly motivated about my job, and actually pretty DESPERATE to get it going already, but my store has been delayed opening ANOTHER week, and I'm like WTF, I have to pay daycare people!!! I can't do that if my store isn't even open and I can't get hours... Hell, if they would let me I would go finish up the work the contractors are lollygagging over this moment and we'd be open yesterday! But, whoa, hold on there, I'm not in charge yet, and its not my company, I can't do ANYTHING, but hurry up and wait as my bank account dwindles...

But yeah, its hard to keep up motivation when things drag ya down like that, man! I am a go-go-go person and this is driving me nuts. My only wish is that one day I can go-go-go on my writing and be making money at it so I can hear my lovely hubby and darling boys say "Shhh, mommy is writing, its important because its her job, so let's go clean the house for her!" Ahh, sigh, that would be bliss... And wow, I just noticed (though I have noticed this habit before) that I really love ellipses... You know, those little dots that indicate an unfinished thought? I like em when I'm writing my own personal thoughts because there's just so much more I could say, but then it would just be ranting so I will just leave as this.... :)


K. M. Walton said...

Keep on keeping on. Most importantly, keep writing. Even if its only blogging - its still writing. Right?

If you've never watched The Last Lecture - it is a great motivator. You can find it on You Tube.
p.s. I like the honesty in your writing

Kestrel said...

I will check that out, thanks for the encouragement! Congrats on finishing your book and good luck with the publishing process! :)